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Hutan pinus di pinggir pantai.

Pantai Sago, Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat.
Laut biru dan sampan pengangkut wisatawan.

Pantai Carocok Painan, Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat.

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My playlists from several genres

The 15 Best Movies of All Time (In My Opinion)

It's hard to pick movies considered to be the best of all time. All the filmmakers and actors have done unbelievable jobs throughout history. I have been observing hundreds of movies all across genres and here is my top 15 list, what do you think?

15/15. Gone with The Wind (IMDb 8.1), 1939.
gone with the wind movie poster

Though this old romantic movie was released in 1939, the screenplay is still relevant today. And don't forget that colored movie before the 1940s is just an epic legacy.

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14/15. Citizen Kane (IMDb 8.3), 1941.
citizen kane movie poster

A 'Rosebud', we don't really know what most valuable thing in this life, even after reaching successful accomplishment in this life.

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13/15. Inception (IMDb 8.7), 2010.
 inception movie poster

I'd feel really guilty if I didn't put one of Christopher Nolan's masterpieces here. In fact, he's one of my favorite directors besides Quentin Tarantino.

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12/15. F**** C*** (IMDb 8.8), 1999.
 Fight Club movie poster

The first rule is you do not talk about F**** C***, so I won't talk about this masterpiece any further.

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11/15. Goodfellas (IMDb 8.7), 1990.
 Goodfellas movie poster

The 'American-Italian Syndicate' movies always steal the world's attention. It's kind of unique western crime culture played in the screenplays.

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10/15. Schindler's List (IMDb 8.9), 1993.
 schindler's list movie poster

I love the ending scene (the only colored scene) when rescued Jews praised the death stone, and this is a beautiful representation of humanity. I can't imagine the proportion of victims unlisted in the list.

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9/15. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (IMDb 8.8), 1966.
 The Good, the bad and the ugly movie poster

A bounty hunting scam joins two men in an uneasy alliance against a third in a race to find a fortune in gold buried in a remote cemetery.

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8/15. The Dark Knight (IMDb 8.8), 1966.
 The dark knight movie poster

After watching this masterpiece I took an interpretation related to the title of the movie itself 'The Dark Knight' that both villain (The Joker) and hero (The Batman) had a sort of resemblance darkness inside. It reflected the fact that all of us in self-perspective also have some of this dark thing, and somehow we just acted like a Knight fought this thing, not for others but for ourselves. RIP Heath Ledger.

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7/15. Pulp Fiction (IMDb 8.9), 1994.
 pulp fiction movie poster

And here we go, a hit from my favorite director all of the time Quentin Tarantino. I really love the writing style from this genius, Django Unchained, The Hateful Eight, Inglourious Basterds, Kill Bill, Reservoir Dogs, you name it. But this Pulp Fuction kind of really messed up the traditional Hollywood's style screenplay and that's just awesome to enjoy when all of the scenes is a gem you don't want to miss.

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6/15. 12 Angry Men (IMDb 9.0), 1957.
 12 angry men movie poster

And for this one you just cannot ignore it. This is a legend, a true legendary masterpiece in terms of conflict, character's depth and story. The storyline troughout this movies is just really intense.

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5/15. The Godfather I (IMDb 9.2) 1972 & The Godfather II (IMDb 9.4) 1974
 The Godfather movie poster

And now we start going through to the top five of this list. I deliberately concatenate these two sequences movies from the whole The Godfather Trilogy as I don't want to mess up with the storyline, so I think it's fair to not separate these hits. Well, The Godfather undoubtedly is listed in almost all rating tables across the web. yes it is, simply because this masterpiece is a 'God' of mobsters movies, the story is really rich and the characters are so strong.

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4/15. The Lord of The Rings Trilogy (IMDb ~9.0) 2001-2003
 The Lord of The Rings movie poster

Again, I did concatenate this unbelievable trilogy to stand at number 4 in this list. 11 hours of glorious adventures, the technologies applied on the screenplay are just too perfect in that particular time. I can't imagine how many peoples and how much resources had been organized when they made this movie.

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3/15. The Shawshank Redemption (IMDb 9.2) 1994
 The Shawshank Redemption movie poster

Everyone who's seen this movie would find big relief when Andy Dufresne eventually came out from that stinky tunnel. I just don't know why, but this is the kind of movie you want to watch again and again.

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2/15. A Space Odyssey (IMDb 8.3) 1968
 A Space Odyssey movie poster

When I first saw this movie back then, I thought this movie must be made at least in the late 90s. But yeah, this movie actually was released in the late 70s (1968). That's amazing how they could envision such as modern Sci-Fi screenplays. No doubt if this movie has inspired more recent Sci-Fi masterpieces such as Interstellar by Christopher Nolan. This is a truly transcendent movie that required a couple of decades for new modern visual effect works to catch up, what a big legacy.

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1/15. Taxi Driver (IMDb 8.2) 1976
 Taxi Driver movie poster

And here we go, the top of the list. You may be wondering why I put this one of Martin Scorsese's masterpieces at the top of the list. Because this movie is just amazing that too hard to be explained you just have to go see it, a beautiful storyline and strong characters bring you into the movie. When you see this movie you'd feel melancholic, angry, love, and pleasure at the same time. This movie will open your perspective on the complexity of the covered city's scum life.

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That's all my opinion, I am supposed to revise and update this standing in the future but for now, that's what I thought. And there are so many upcoming masterpieces I've been waiting to see and I hope they would mess up this list.

My References :

Arham Zakki
Geophysical Engineer
Solok Selatan, Indonesia
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